Month: February 2013
While at Pantheacon friends told me more evidence from personal experience that my Mandrake Ointment plus alcohol results in unplanned orgies (or at the very least threesomes). I’m starting to think I really should put a warning on the label… Oh Mandragora, you wanton lascivious root… no wonder I adore you so much!
Who’s up for a bit of sex magic?
“By the midnight of madness: —
The lone-lying sea,
The swoon of the moon,
Your swoon into me,
The sentinel sadness
Of cliff-clinging pine,
That night of delight
You were mine, you were mine!”
Annie and Eliza Keary. The Heroes of Asgard and the Giants of Jötunheim, or, The Week and its Story (1857)
I have a question…”and Apocalypse—a battle to take people’s will by force.” What do you mean by the word Apocalypse here, juxtaposed by the Eschaton…
I see an apocalypse as a war. An attempt to dominate people by force or arms. An eschaton on the other hand is a universal change in consciousness. Violence may be a by-product of eschaton, as such change seldom comes easily, but not caused by it.
Aether inhaler: Quyrm, this mysterious “?”, rebirth…
Aether inhaler: Quyrm, this mysterious “?”, rebirth…
Tonight I have completed the Rite of Cthonos, with a large focus on creating and working with a servitor that acts as a magical link to what I have been referring to as “?” recently. The entity, I have named, “Quyrm”, it’s character is a ? and it’s mantra is psychic; a silent, focused “?” as if it…
4 Groups that Gotta Go – George Carlin