Matt Wuerker/Politico (03/08/2013)
Month: March 2013
For anyone interested in reading Chomsky, here’s where I’d recommend beginning: Profit Over People is the clearest introduction to Chomsky’s political thought I’ve come across. The editor—Anthony Arnove, I think—writes a very clear introduction to Chomsky’s thought, in a way that I don’t think Chomsky—because he is like a fish in the water of his own ideas—could.
Declaration of Baphomet
(From Aleister Crowley’s Liber Ash)I am the Eye and the Tooth, the Goat of the Spirit, the Lord of Creation. I am the Eye in the Triangle, the Silver Star that ye adore.
I am Baphomet, that is the Eightfold Word that shall be equilibrated with the Three.
There is no act or passion that shall not be a hymn in mine honour.All holy things and all symbolic things shall be my sacraments.
These animals are sacred unto me; the goat, and the duck, and the ass, and the gazelle, the man, the woman and the child.
All corpses are sacred unto me; they shall not be touched save in mine eucharist. All lonely places are sacred unto me; where one man gathereth himself together in my name, there will I leap forth in the midst of him.
I am the hideous god, and who mastereth me is uglier than I.
Yet I give more than Bacchus and Apollo; my gifts exceed the olive and the horse.
Who worshippeth me must worship me with many rites.
I am concealed with all concealments; when the Most Holy Ancient One is stripped and driven through the market place, I am still secret and apart.
Whom I love I chastise with many rods.
All things are sacred to me; no thing is sacred from me.
For there is no holiness where I am not.
Fear not when I fall in the fury of the storm; for mine acorns are blown afar by the wind; and verily I shall rise again, and my children about me, so that we shall uplift our forest in Eternity.
Eternity is the storm that covereth me.
I am Existence, the Existence that existeth not save through its own Existence, that is beyond the Existence of Existences, and rooted deeper than the No-Thing-Tree in the Land of No-Thing.
Establish a maximum wage.
Income inequality in this nation is a serious issue. We live in a country where CEO pay can go up 60% while worker pay stays exactly the same, without even adjustment for inflation, where workers are forced to take pay cuts while executives buy new yachts and summer homes. There is really no incentive to care about your workers in a society motivated by the highest possible profit, and it’s a disturbingly frequent appearance that workers are paid as little as possible so that all of the profit from THEIR hard work can go not to them, not to their benefits, not to the company, but solely to the fatcats that sit on the top of the pyramid. We the people urge the President and Congress to establish some form of maximum wage, in order to curb income inequality and promote workplace fairness.
I’ve been saying this shit for years.
In other words: educate them the “right way” — to be obediently passive and accept their fate as right and just, conforming to the New Spirit of the Age. Keep their perspectives narrow, their understanding limited, discourage free and independent thought, instill docility and obedience to keep them from the Masters’ throats.
Michal Janowski (UK) – In God We Trust, 2012 Mixed Media on Paper
Michal Janowski – Limen; Man in the Coyote Mask, 2012 Mixed Media on Paper