Once upon a time I had blonde and pink hair.
Photography: Allan Amato
Ave Babalon
An Import of my Tumblr Blog
Once upon a time I had blonde and pink hair.
Photography: Allan Amato
Ave Babalon
What do the gods say to you? New post at scrollofthoth.com
The term Lucifer is attributed to Satan as a name. The term has become personalized and has taken on a negative sense. Similarly, the term Morning Star has been attributed to Christ in a personalized fashion. When the Bible appears to refer to Satan as Day Star or Morning Star and to Christ as the Light-bearer, which is the sense of Lucifer, people apply the names in this personalized way and come to the wrong conclusion.
Being that the “God” of the bible appears to be a very malevolent entity…via death, war, and bloodshed, Lucifer rebelled against him, thus his Fall from Heaven or “Fall from Grace”.Lucifer is not Satan, nor is he evil/bad. People have been persecuted and killed by the millions because of his name. Look in the bible, and you will find out who Lucifer actually was. He was the first of the Archangels, he was the light bringer of the universe, he had dominion over all angels and sat in gods throne room. Unlike Enoch who transmigrated upwards, increasing his vibration from matter into light, Lucifer appears to have transmigrated downwards turning from light into matter..and became what you call a Satan. Satan is not Lucifer even though Lucifer is a Satan. It must be remembered that a “Satan” is simply one who opposes, or a detractor. This is why in Matthew 16:23, Jesus says to Peter “Get thee behind me Satan”
hellbound witch: bayoread: Academic texts, why do you have to be £20+?
Which for my…
Academic texts, why do you have to be £20+?
Which for my American peeps, is $30+
One of the books I want, The Handbook of Hyper-Real Religions, from the Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion series, is $161.99 on Amazon, after Amazon’s discount. .___.
But look at the…
“Too weird to live, too rare to die.” – Hunter S. Thompson – Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas