Why does the sexual appetite cause so much unspeakable joy and irrational misery, so much suicidal and homicidal madness, and so much absurd theological ranting? Because every sexual choice is going to play a role in determining the temperament and talents of the next generation, and of all future generations who will inherit the earth from us. To be simple about it for once, a single friendly fuck can fill a continent with morons or geniuses in only a few thousand years.

Robert Anton Wilson (via liberumarbitriumindifferentiae)

I really don’t understand why all the kids are into Disney these days. In my youth, we called it the evil rat empire. Though we did see all the movies. They can be seen as watered down mythology, or transparent propaganda.

l-v-x-i-f-e-r: Albrecht Durer – The Devil (1498)

“I am what you wanted me to be, Legio, nothing more, nothing less.”

She appealed to my ego using my magician’s name–Ego Sum Legio– I Am Legion. It worked.

– My Babylon, Episode 3


i was really lucky to have grown up with parents who were absolutely desperate to expose me to as many books as they possibly could. long before i could read or even speak they took me to the libraries and checked out books they thought i should read, took me to story time and read aloud to me, et cetera. i’ve always been able to connect to books and libraries as though they were holy places and have always held a lot of reverence for them.

If you’re a parent, do this!