I got the eye of providence tattooed on my leg and I’m worried it’s going to send me to hell. I got it done when I was mentally unstable and was unsure of what it meant, is it a satanic symbol?

Symbols mean different things to different people. I may look at a symbol and think one thing, and you think something totally different. That being said, I have never seen the Eye of Providence associated with Satanism. It is most strongly associated with freemasonry. It is on the back of the dollar bill right next to “In God We Trust.” Unless you have an extreme perspective, freemasons are not Satanists. It reminds me of a modern rendition of the Eye of Horus, and you can associate it with that if you want.

The biggest question you should be asking yourself is, why am I afraid of Satan?

If you believe that you may suffer some kind of damnation, you need to ask yourself, why do I believe in a god that would torture people? For whatever reason.