One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.

Carl Sagan (via tatqiq)


“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap.”

― Ani DiFranco

Daily Tarot / Year of the Lovers
April 13 2013
Card: 8 of Bows + Queen of Cups
Deck: The Wildwood & Waite Tarot
Number: 5

Maybe there are people waiting for you to change, not because they don’t like where you are in the world, or who you are with, or what you are doing but because you are so unhappy doing it. Maybe the change can be celebrated.

Maybe the fire we speak of has to do with coming together, at the heart. Not the personal fire, you against the world, but the shared fire: Hearth. Heart. Love. Home. Together. Family. Friends. Community. Yes… fire in the belly that becomes SPIRIT, the ether that is shared. 🙂

Notable feminine force in the mix, pay homage.

#tarot #tarotgram #dailytarot #tarotdaily #2013 #yearofthelovers #riderwaite #wildwoodtarot #instatarot #numerology #intentions #quotes #inspiration #foundations #anidifranco

I see things like this and wonder, how did they learn to think this way? What can we do to reprogram them with a compassionate world view? People are not born this way, they are indoctrinated with a disease, a meme that instructs them just like a devil on their shoulder. How do we exorcise that demon? That’s the only way to really change things.

The true Wonderland was not like that, he knew. It was as much shadow as sunlight, and its mysteries could only be unveiled when your wits were about used up and your mind close to cracking.

“Weaveworld”, Clive Barker (via deepwoodsteaparty)