Surprised at the amount of reblogs…
Hail Behexen.
Ave Babalon
An Import of my Tumblr Blog
I am thy writing tablet, oh Thoth, and I have brought unto thee thine ink jar.
A Changing Altar: Dionysian Offerings –
Asked Anonymous
Food-type stuff:
- Wine
- Grapes
- Tea (especially Jasmine, because it has flowers in it that aren’t rose. This is UPG.)
- Figs
- Water
- Chocolate, or other sweets (including fruit jams on crackers or bread. UPG…
This is a short story I’ll have available on Amazon Kindle around April 15th. It serves well as an introduction to my writing, and explores some of the same themes as My Babylon. Until the 15th, it’s free for my tumblr and blog followers.
by James L. Wilber
“There’s been an update to the code since you last worked. Don’t forget to check out the new questionnaire.” Dylan, my supervisor, wore a black polo shirt with the company logo, a bracelet made of some alloy, and a couple days worth of black stubble. The exact kind of professional non-professional look you expect from a middle management dickwad working for a tech company. He shifted in his seat, waiting for my response even though he failed to ask a question. “You should turn your camera on.”
Like most people pounding keys, I work at home. Even though Dylan found it annoying, I only respond to questions, not statements. The less opportunity to betray my total disgust for him, the company, and the American way of life, the better. That’s also why I didn’t turn on my camera. The wreckage of my bedroom/office, and the fact I’d yet to brush my teeth today reflects the shits I do not give.
Unable to think of a good reason not to, I turned my video on and let him bask in my slothful countenance. Dylan visibly winced when he saw it, then pretended not to notice. “Do you have any questions?”
“Be mindful of the changes in output due to the code update. Items have been added to the questionnaire to take advantage of the new code.” Never question, only regurgitate.
He nodded. “I’ve got three VIP jobs I want you to get done today. Send me a chat message if you need anything.”
I looked straight at the screen and waited for him to disconnect the conference. A few times prior I had disconnected before he was through being useless. That really cheesed him off. A couple more and he would be looking for a new star employee.
PS. Reblogging to fix broken link (thank you libre sollus) and to say please reblog this with comments on how much you enjoyed it.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein