O people of the Earth, men born and made of the elements, but with the spirit of the Divine man within you, rise from your sleep of ignorance! Be sober and thoughtful. Realize that your home is not in the Earth but in the Light. Why have you delivered yourselves over unto death, having power to partake of immortality? Repent, and change your minds. Depart from the dark light and forsake corruption forever. Prepare yourselves to climb through the seven rings to blend your souls with the Eternal Light. Where fall the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those ready for His teaching, open wide. When the ears of the students are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with wisdom.

Thoth, Hermes Trismegistus
(via earth-oracle)

I am thy writing tablet, oh Thoth, and I have brought unto thee thine ink jar.

System Blue – Episode 001 – March 30, 2013

System Blue – Episode 001 – March 30, 2013