
4th Pentacle of Jupiter Talisman from The Key Of Solomon the King (Clavicula Solomonis).
In which it is said that it “serveth to acquire riches and honor, and to possess much wealth.” Hand drawn and consecrated in the correct day and hour

In my own point of view Satan does not represent evil. To me Satan represents total goodness, liberation and no limitations.

Jon Nödtveidt (via jon-nodtveidt)

If the God in the bible kills newborns, smites cities for having sex, and instructs his followers to rape and keep slaves, what would his adversary be like?


Abraxas, also known as Abrasax, is a Gnostic solar deity associated by the ancients  with Yahweh, Mithras and the Celtic Belenus, as well as Yeshu (Jesus). Amulets and seals bearing the figure of Abraxas were common in the second century, and were used as recently as the thirteenth century in the seals of the Knights Templar. By medieval times, Abraxas was relegated to the ranks of demons.

More on: http://symboldictionary.net/?p=1020