Liber A:O is book II of our bible. It goes deeper and is more provocative than book I, Cthulhu Cult. While writing Liber A:O, there was an enormous temptation to do what was expected… more rituals, more organizational structure, more Lovecraft; but I didn’t want to do more of the same. I craved an utterly new understanding. Hopefully, Liber A:O will challenge you. I hope it will provide a starting point for further discussion. The Cult of Cthulhu is not only a Left Hand Path spiritual movement; it’s also a Fourth Way school in the tradition of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. With the first book of our biblical trilogy, I set out to destroy the world. With the second, I shall rebuild it. Who knows what will be unleashed by the third? If you’re curious about our religion, then please visit the CoC website: Ia Ia, VS