



You do not need to believe in a God or Goddess to be a witch. You do not need to believe in the Threefold Law. You do not need to belong to a coven, and you do not need anyone else’s approval.

And what you define as witchcraft is up to you as well!

I dislike this.

This is an attempt to take all substance from witchcraft, the word becomes meaningless and empty. If a person comes to me and says ‘so your a witch huh? What do you do?’ and I explained myself by saying ‘I just call myself a witch’ then… what is witchcraft? It would be dead, it would be a fandom and a scene.

The idea that you can do anything you want and call it witchcraft is cute and empowering to people who need that. A lot of damaged people become interested in the craft and they need all the support they can get. Shits like me are bad for folks who just need acceptance – I mistakenly believe they actually want to become good at magik –  So I have learnt to shut up and let people play their little pat each other on the back game.

This is too far though, it is hard enough to convince people that witchcraft is a legitimate belief and I am not role playing harry potter without this abuse, this assault on my faith. It is an attack. You are attempting to invalidate The Craft.

Why invalidate me, my faith and the title I use for myself?

It isn’t a belief, it’s a practice, and I’ve seen huge debates on how to define it by some of the most respected witches on this site so feel free to try and come up with one definition that everyone agrees on?

I run a writers’ group with about 200 members. Only about thirty of them have ever showed up for even one critique meeting, and only about a dozen of them attend on a regular basis. There’s probably many reasons for this, but I would bet a thousand dollars this story gets played out hundreds of times the world over. A person gets up one Sunday and decides they want to be a writer. They have a story to tell, personal or fictional. They join the writer’s group, but they never get around to doing the actual writing, because that’s hard work.

I don’t care if these people go to parties and call themselves writers. It doesn’t take anything away from me. I don’t need to validate myself in any way other than the words I put down on a page. 

But when someone actually wants to read or learn how to write, they don’t turn to those people. They turn to me.

Your witchcraft is your actions, not who you claim to be. Do what you do, and don’t worry about the other people who use the title. 

Thank You!


I believe one of my tumblr followers (I suspect I know who), just left a review of My Babylon on Amazon. Thank you, and thanks to everyone who has downloaded it, and especially those who have read it. Thank you for bringing me one step closer to realizing my dreams of writing for a living.

My Babylon – Book Three: Risen, will be available May 28th in the Kindle store. On that day, Book One: Body, will be FREE.

If you have already read Book One, please leave a review on Amazon to help jumpstart the new promo. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, please grab a free copy on the 28th. Just downloading a copy helps moving up the rankings in Amazon, making it easier for others to find.

Of course, I’m only saying this because I do believe it is a book all of my followers would like. It’s been a labor of love and religious devotion for me.

Thank you again, with great sincerity.

My Story

An obsessed magician will do anything it takes to satiate his perverse needs.

My Myth

He turns to forbidden arts to manifest his will.

My Revelation

In doing so, he will bring about the end of everything.

My Babylon

A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the end of the world as we know it. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices, to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

My Babylon is told in a series of novellas. Book Two: Rose, is now available. Book Three: Risen, is coming to Amazon Kindle May 28th, 2013

Our serials are priced 99 cents in-season (before all episodes have been published) and then go to $1.99 per episode after we release the collected book for $5.99. You never pay more than $6 for a complete book.

Thank You!

I believe one of my tumblr followers (I suspect I know who), just left a review of My Babylon on Amazon. Thank you, and thanks to everyone who has downloaded it, and especially those who have read it. Thank you for bringing me one step closer to realizing my dreams of writing for a living.

My Babylon – Book Three: Risen, will be available May 28th in the Kindle store. On that day, Book One: Body, will be FREE.

If you have already read Book One, please leave a review on Amazon to help jumpstart the new promo. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, please grab a free copy on the 28th. Just downloading a copy helps moving up the rankings in Amazon, making it easier for others to find.

Of course, I’m only saying this because I do believe it is a book all of my followers would like. It’s been a labor of love and religious devotion for me.

Thank you again, with great sincerity.

My Story

An obsessed magician will do anything it takes to satiate his perverse needs.

My Myth

He turns to forbidden arts to manifest his will.

My Revelation

In doing so, he will bring about the end of everything.

My Babylon

A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the end of the world as we know it. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices, to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

My Babylon is told in a series of novellas. Book Two: Rose, is now available. Book Three: Risen, is coming to Amazon Kindle May 28th, 2013

Our serials are priced 99 cents in-season (before all episodes have been published) and then go to $1.99 per episode after we release the collected book for $5.99. You never pay more than $6 for a complete book.