For ginandjack
Month: May 2013
Live as a common man and think as a demi-god.
A lesser known work by Nigel Jackson, from ”The Pillars of Tubal Cain”, Nigel Jackson and Michael Howard (highly recommended!)
As therefore the Fire is to the Aire, so Aire is to the Water, and Water to the Earth; and again, as the Earth is to the Water, so is the Water to the Aire, and the Aire to the Fire. And this is the root and foundation of all bodies, natures, vertues, and wonderfull works; and he which shall know these qualities of the Elements, and their mixtions, shall easily bring to pass such things that are wonderfull, and astonishing, and shall be perfect in Magick.
Three books of Occult Philosophy; Book 1, Ch 3; Of the Four Elements. (via madrantings)
I swear if you haven’t read The Three Books, you need to stop what you are doing and go read them now.
(via carpeumbra)
Querubax: Magick is for All
I read an interesting post on Chaos Monastery tumblr, last thursday – which, in internet terms, means ages ago. “Is respectful, cross-cultural magic possible?” was its title. The point:
do you think it is ok for chaos magicians to assume mindforms, invoke deities and generally “play around”…
Birthday Reviews
Back on May 5th, I gave away My Babylon for free for my birthday. What I would really like in return is reviews. If you have a chance, please leave a review for the book on Amazon. Reviews are one of the few ways indie books get noticed.
Nude Goddess with Open Veil and Worshiper Holding Hare Before Enthroned Male Figure, Vultures Above
Cylinder seal and impression
(ca. 1720–1650 B.C.)The Morgan Library