Month: May 2013
Cover of a copy of John Dee’s Monas Hieroglyphica, recycled from an old (15C?) plainchant manuscript. Via the Getty Alchemy collection.
Only-begotten, Pluto’s honor’d wife,
O venerable Goddess, source of life:
‘Tis thine in earth’s profundities to dwell,
Fast by the wide and dismal gates of hell:
Jove’s holy offspring, of a beauteous mien,
Fatal, with lovely locks, infernal queen James L. Wilber: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle James L. Wilber: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle
Visit’s James L. Wilber Page and shop for all James L. Wilber books and other James L. Wilber related products (DVD, CDs, Apparel). Check out pictures, bibliography, biography and community discussions about James L. Wilber
Got Amazon to add the Buffy RPG to my list of published books. Hurray!
Male and Female Worshipers Led Toward the Sun God Enthroned on a Mountain
Cylinder seal
Mesopotamia, Akkadian period
Lapis lazuliThe Morgan Library
The Devil, He’s in the Details
The Devil or Guardian in various depictions. My Altar ~Scott.
Wednesday’s Daily Tarotdraw is the…
Getting money out of politics is a very crucial matter; it has been for a long time. It’s gotten much more extreme now. For a long time, elections have just been public relations extravaganzas where people are mobilized every four years to get excited to go push a button and then go home and forget about it.