I think I want to start a separate porn/erotica blog. Would you follow it?
Month: May 2013
I believe that Magic is Art and Art whether it be music, writing, sculpture or any other, is literally magic. Art, like any magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words or images, to achieve changes in consciousness… Indeed to cast a spell is simply to manipulate words, to change people’s consciousness, and this is why I believe that an artist or a writer is the closest thing in the contemporary world to a Shaman.
Wooden coffin of Khnumnakht
The coffin was made by an extremely talented artist who decorated every hieroglyph seperately, creating an abundance of detail and colour. The body inside the coffin was laid down on its back with its face towards the east, the land of the living and the rising sun. The eyes on the coffin would enable the mummy inside to look through and see the world. The sides of the coffin have been decorated with inscriptions and a palace facade.
Middle Kingdom, 13th dynasty, 1802-1640 BC
Found at Meir.
Source: The Metropolitan Museum
The Nature of Alchemy
Investigations into the spiritual life cycle of material existence and the natural processes of attainment
Songs for Wyrd
Yup, our protagonist is a canuck. I will need my Canadian friends to read it for proper Canadian-ness.