

Sam Pink

I disagree and agree. If I believed every review I read then Twilight would have been ‘the best written book ever’ and The Great Gatsby would have been ‘boring’. 

You need to have reviews if you plan on self publishing, if we are going to break the chains of power the outdated publishing houses have, we have to write reviews and sort out the good and the bad – just like visiting the bookstore and reading the back of the jacket.

It is the 21st century – the digital age. Support your self publishing authors you like by continuing to review their items. Thank you.


The phoenix is a manifestation of the heart, symbolic of the heart’s ability to rise and rise again from the ashes of its own passionate exhaustion, dying only to be reborn as love returns time and time again to our lives, to fly in all its glory, splendor, a wildfire burning all memory of past pain away. Born from the dragon’s breath, it is a flame that does not burn, instead healing all by its sheer brilliance.