
I wonder what sort of polytheism could be built as an “English pantheon” because I don’t necessarily think I’ve heard much about it? I know some people worship London as a city and I think some Arthurian stuff could be done although the Arthurian legend spans a lot farther than just England so I don’t know. I’m not English or Welsh or Scottish and I’m only Irish by history and by association with deities I’m not an expert on any of these cultures and kinda wish I could get folks who… you know… are on that side of the planet to confirm that I’m not making a fool out of myself.

I don’t mean for a second to represent myself as being from the British Isles or anything of the sort. I’m a landlocked Southerner through and through.

I don’t know what the answer is, but it’s interesting to note that J.R.R. Tolkien created the Lord of the Rings because he felt the English did not have their own mythology. He considered the Arthurian Myth too French. It’s an area that was conquered and reconquered much in ancient times. The Angles, the Danes, the Saxons, the Normans all added to the English stew and it is quite muddled. Add that to the fact little is known about pre-Roman English society.