
These six roots, Mind, Voice, Reason, Reflection, Name, and Thought, are also called six powers. Commingled with them all was the great power, the “Boundless Power.” This was that which “has stood, stands, and will stand,” the seventh power (root) corresponding to the seventh day after the six days of creation. This seventh power existed before the world, it is the Spirit of God that moved upon the face of the waters (Genesis 1:2). It existed potentially in every child of man, and might be developed in each to its own immensity. The small might become great, the point be enlarged to infinity. [10] This indivisible point which existed in the body, and of which none but the spiritual knew, was the Kingdom of Heaven, and the grain of mustard-seed. [11] But it rested with us to develop it, and it is this responsibility which is referred to in the words—”that we may not be condemned with the world” (1 Corinthians 11:32). For if the image of the Standing One were not actualized in us, it would not survive the death of the body. “The axe,” he said, “is nigh to the roots of the tree: Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire” (cf. Matthew 3:10).

Origin, Simonians. Gnostic sect in which Simon Magus is lifted and praised.