Cops Plead Guilty to Helping Plant Drugs on Woman Sexually Harassed by Judge
A judge responded to an assault victim by demanding sex in exchange for ‘legal favors’ in her divorce. She filed a complaint, and he sent cops to plant meth in her car.
An Import of my Tumblr Blog
Cops Plead Guilty to Helping Plant Drugs on Woman Sexually Harassed by Judge
A judge responded to an assault victim by demanding sex in exchange for ‘legal favors’ in her divorce. She filed a complaint, and he sent cops to plant meth in her car.
Gurdjieff once said:
“To know is to know all, not to know all is not to know.
To know all it is necessary to know very little,
but to know that very little, one must first know pretty much.”
Ave Babalon
Zeitgeist is trash. If you think you’re so fucking knowledgeable after watching it, you are a dumb ass.
Today I am working on final edits for the last book in the story. It’s been an amazing experience. Thank you, to all my followers who helped with encouragement and getting the word out.
Book Five: Beast, comes out June 25th. I sincerely believe it’s my best work to date.
To coincide with the release. Book One: Body, will be FREE on Amazon on the 25th. (It’s only 99 cents regular price.) If you already have it, now would be a great time to leave a review that encourages others to download the book. If you haven’t just downloading a copy helps move the book up Amazon’s rankings and makes it more visible.
My friend and fellow writer, Steve Loy, will also have a free book that day. Isis Wept is a story of Egyptian mythology told from a personal perspective. If you have any interest in mythology, you should read that book.
We are both struggling writers trying to make our dreams come true outside of the corporate system. Any help you can give, reviews, downloads, purchases, reblogs, and word of mouth is deeply appreciates.