Coming soon to Kobo.

Of Little Faith, by James L. Wilber

The old gods are returning, or have they always been here?

Odin wakes to the call of a dying warrior, crying out to be taken to Valhalla. Roused from his centuries of slumber, he wanders the Earth until he finds gods old and new. Do they have the answers he seeks? How does an ancient god of war find his place in the modern world?

A musing on the nature of religion and spirituality. We may no longer need a patriarch, but do we need to rediscover our divinities?

James L. Wilber is a writer, game designer, and ceremonial magician. Find out about more of his works at

My Babylon, his serial novel about the occult and dark desire is coming to Kobo July 30th.


I want to say again how this is my favorite book by Stephan Michael Loy. The writer does such an excellent job portraying the myths as a human experience. Yet, at the same time, the gods are a personification of ideals that go beyond what we as humans can achieve.

If you have any interest in ancient cultures, religion, mythology, or Egyptology, you will love this book.

Isis Wept will be FREE on Amazon Kindle June 25th-29th. Check it out, and please leave a review.


Today I am working on final edits for the last book in the story. It’s been an amazing experience. Thank you, to all my followers who helped with encouragement and getting the word out.

Book Five: Beast, comes out June 25th. I sincerely believe it’s my best work to date.

To coincide with the release. Book One: Body, will be FREE on Amazon on the 25th. (It’s only 99 cents regular price.) If you already have it, now would be a great time to leave a review that encourages others to download the book. If you haven’t just downloading a copy helps move the book up Amazon’s rankings and makes it more visible. 

My friend and fellow writer, Steve Loy, will also have a free book that day. Isis Wept is a story of Egyptian mythology told from a personal perspective. If you have any interest in mythology, you should read that book.

We are both struggling writers trying to make our dreams come true outside of the corporate system. Any help you can give, reviews, downloads, purchases, reblogs, and word of mouth is deeply appreciates.