Month: June 2013
Anniversary of the Death of John Whiteside Parsons, better known as Jack Parsons, on this day in 1952.
“I remember
When I was a star
In the night
A moving, burning ember
Amid the bright
Clouds of star fire
Going deathward
To the womb.”
– Jack Parsons (untitled)
[Portrait by his ‘Scarlet Woman’, Marjorie Cameron.]Special thanks to Matthew Levi Stevens
‘Of old there was Sauron the Maia, whom the Sindar in Beleriand named Gorthaur. In the beginning of Arda Melkor seduced him to his allegiance, and he became the greatest and most trusted of the servants of the Enemy…’ – Of the Rings of Power, The Silmarillion.
Come With Me, by ArchiaOryix