Chasing the Wyrm is my next novel, a supernatural spy story. In it, the US government has an ultra-secret Office of Arcane Affairs (OAA) to deal with supernatural threats.
The magic in Chasing the Wyrm is not spelled with a K. It’s the plain old fantasy kind. So what makes the book special? It’s still my unique voice. Yeah, it’s an action story, but the characters have a conscious.
Also, I’m publishing it using the Creative Commons license. This means that anyone can take the concepts and ideas in the book, and write their own part of the series. You can publish your own OAA story as fanfic, or even as something you want to sell.
The only limitation is you can’t use two of the main characters, Christopher Yan, my alter ego in the world, and Michael Smith, who’s story will be told in an upcoming book by my partner in crime, Shade OfRoses.