Considering the fact that people might spend their entire lifetimes refining the concepts that just one topic listed here includes, the list might seem quite long…
The Godforms of the Visible Stations. Primary Officers of the Outer Grades. The Initiation Ceremony. The First Knowledge Lecture.
The Elements.The Zodiac. The Triplicities. The Quadruplicities.The Signs. The Seven Ancient Planets. The New Planets.The Qabalah. The Sephiroth.The Hebrew Aleph-Bet. The Three Pillars.Ritual Work for the Neophyte. The Outer Wand of Double Power.The Qabalistic Cross.The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.Uses of the Pentagram Ritual. The Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.Meditation for the 0 = 0 Grade of Neophyte. Daily Adorations. The Berakah. The Rite of Elemental Equilibration.I bolded the things that I actually have to learn, and left the one’s I don’t have learn. I also crossed out the things I do know already. Also, the fact that you listed the ritual work (as a whole) and then listed a few individual ones was a bit superfluous. And you missed a few anyways 😛
I myself only need a fundamental understanding of the sephirot and qabala, and will not need to learn any more until I start doing sephirothic magic in later grades.
As for Astrology, I need to be more familiar with horary astrology more than anything. Ugh I really hate math.
Do you actually have to learn astrology for the purpose of magic? Why is that?
I love math, but I feel that astrology is not that much in my focus, as with the “real shit".
I think mastering those godforms, basics of qabalah and all the rituals, there’s more than enough to do…
Yes I do have to learn astrology for the purpose of astrological magic, among 8193724692347 other magical systems. It’s essential for success in that endeavor. I believe that if you can tie something to astrology, you can tie it into just about every other system. That’s how crucial it is.