“To love me is better than all things. If under the night stars in the desert, burn incense before me, invoking me with a pure heart, and the serpent flame therein, and you will come to lie in my bosom.”

That sweet and powerful voice, how could they not put her on high? I wanted to run to her myself.

“Gather goods and spices, wear rich jewels, or carry only your love for me, and you will exceed the nations of the earth in splendor and pride, and so you will know joy. For one kiss, you will sacrifice all. Those who release to me but one particle of dust will in turn lose all their treasure.”

These old hoary rituals, written before the advent of modern propaganda, were often more amusing than inspiring. But this one was spot on, or at least she made it so. I admit it moved me.

“I charge you earnestly to come before me, if it be in a single robe, or covered in your finery. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or dark, veiled or wanton, I who am all pleasure and purple, and drunkenness, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendor within you: come unto me!”

She was changing the words. Most were subtle changes, taking out the thous and ye shalls, that grate on modern ears. There were changes in substance as well, a more egalitarian tone to it. I glanced at the audience. No one seemed to take offense. Ezra’s eyes adored her.

“Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you. I am the blue-lidded daughter of sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.”

– My Babylon, Book Three: Risen

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print


I was on my knees holding a golden chalice, and they were standing around me masturbating. Like a bukkake film, the men would cum and spray their semen on me and in the cup. But there were women too, and after they climaxed they dipped their fingers in the chalice. Besides the strangers, Morgan and Ezra were there. When Morgan came forward she was walking, and there was menstrual blood on her fingers, which she stirred in the vessel.

I remember holding up that chalice, and bringing it to my lips, and thinking to myself, “This is the blood of the saints.”

– My Babylon, Book Three: Risen (The Magical Record of Soror Amasnex)

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print


“What are you?”

The creature, the girl, the thing that had once been a dead body, lifted onto her hands and knees inside the magick circle where I had summoned her.

“I am what you made,” she said.

– My Babylon, Book Three: Risen

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print


It is extraordinary how the formula of Hermes Trismegistus holds throughout; Magick is but the extension of the microcosm in the macrocosm. And as the macrocosm is the greater, it follows that what one does by magick is to attune oneself with the Infinite.

Aleister Crowley, The Revival of Magick (via atiron)





A few unusual angels. (sources: x, x, x, source for fourth is unknown.) 

angelology = best

I know where the last one is from, and it’s the best “angel" too.

I mean you can’t get more badass than looking like a nightmare wheel.


Actually side note:


That’s right, motherfucking occult texts on motherfucking angels.

“The creatures that appeared that night were different. Most were not humanoid. Some seemed to be of immense size, yet they still fit in the triangle prepared for them. The Legematon describes Orias as a man-like being with the head of a lion and snakes for arms, astride a great horse. The Orias that answered my call could be said to resemble something like that, in the same way constellations are said to resemble bears and crabs. He had the same gray skin and eyes like a pools of ink as his emissary, but his oozing limbs and twisted features resembled nothing human.”

— My Babylon, Book Two: Rose

And goetia.

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print
