“It only got worse after that. This record could become an unholy litany of the myriad acts of pain and pleasure I inflicted on her. I’m tempted to do just that, to somehow discover the secret of my downfall by pinpointing the moment she injected her poison in me, and made me think of nothing else. But that would be pointless. There was no moment, it was always all of it, all of her.

Have you ever been skydiving? Have you ever been shot at? Have you ever been in a fight? In the book Fight Club, the narrator explains, “After a night in fight club, everything in the real world gets the volume turned down.” I’ve never done any of those things, but I understand why some people keep going back into the fray until it destroys them. Rose turned me into an addict with just one hit. This convinced me more than anything else that I was not like normal people. Who could have sex like that and go on living a normal life?”

— My Babylon, Book Two: Rose

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print


“She turned several more shades of crimson and looked at the floor. That’s when she had me. That look of deference, that posture that goes right to my predatory instinct. The tilt of her neck, the slope of her shoulders, her entire demeanor said, I submit. Do what you will. I want it. I’ll do it. I’m defenseless. Take me.”

My Babylon, Book Two: Rose

Yes, it has sex too.

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print


“I experienced the auditory and visual hallucinations normal to fasting, lack of REM, and constant forays into my own subconscious. Pages on the internet changed to indecipherable hieroglyphs before my eyes. I smelled incense every time I entered a library. As I walked past the pond on campus, the gaggle of geese transformed into a flock of praying ibis, “I am thy writing palette oh Thoth, and I have brought unto thee thine ink jar….”

— My Babylon – Book One: Body

Magick, how to know you’re doing it right.

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print


“I met Uncle Al at my local library at the ripe old age of fourteen. That’s Aleister Crowley to the uninitiated, the most well-known magus of the modern age. Why my local library carried such esoteric tomes is still beyond my reasoning, yet there it was, amongst the books on UFOs and ghosts: Magick in Theory and Practice. My pubescent mind comprehended only a fraction of it, but that didn’t deter me.”

— My Babylon – Book One: Body

Semi-autobiographical. Did it work like that for anyone else?

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print


“One of the hardest things to steal is a human body.”

My Babylon – Book One: Body

The first line of the book. A pretty good one if I do say so myself.

My Babylon – A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

 My Babylon Complete, containing all five book is now available on Amazon Kindle and in print



Monstrosities of Evolution

These bizarre illustrations are from Ulisse Aldrovandi’s 1642 book, History of Monsters (Monstrorum Historia). Although the illustrations are extremely bizarre, they depict Aldrovandi’s vivid imagination and vast education in natural history, science and the diversity of life, including monsters.

Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) is considered the founder of modern Natural History. The Ulisse Aldrovandi Museum is housed in the Museo di Palazzo Poggi di Scienza e Arte and is located in his hometown of Bologna, Italy. His Storia Naturale, a 13 volume printed work, was conceived as the most complete description of the three kingdoms of nature – mineral, vegetable and animal – available at that time.

Aldrovandi was an extremely educated man. Born to a noble family, he obtained degrees in medicine and philosophy, with further interests in botany, zoology and geology. He became the first professor of natural sciences at the University of Bologna. Of the hundred of books and essays he wrote, only a handful were published during his lifetime.

Nearing the time of his death, he proudly stated that his home held a collection of 18,000 “different natural things,” and 7,000 dried plants displayed in fifteen volumes. The seventeen volumes with drawings of animals, plants, minerals and monstrosities are an integral part of the museum. 

source 1, 2, 3


My Babylon is going on tour.

To celebrate the release of the Complete edition of My Babylon, both on Kindle and in print, I’ll be writing guest posts for the blogs of some of my fellow indie writers. 

Here’s a sneak preview of the post appearing on the website of Charlotte Henley Babb on August 2nd.


I often have a difficult time describing My Babylon to prospective readers, especially ones well-versed in the genres of Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Fantasy, and Magical Realism. Often, I find myself explaining the book by what it isn’t. One way it’s unlike Urban/Paranormal Fantasy is that it doesn’t stop to spell out its cosmology. It seems to me sometimes that writers in those genres only write in order to tell you about their cool take on some critter from popular fiction. These are my vampires, my werewolves, my ghosts, my penanggalan, or whatever monster they come up with, and in the midst of showing you how cool they are they miss the story.

You might call My Babylon, Magical Realism, but it has more overt fantastic elements than you’ll ever find in that genre.

In fact, I won’t lie to you, My Babylon started with the cosmology.

Although, unlike most others, the cosmology is based loosely on an actual religion called Thelema*. I know most of you have never heard of it and I’ve spilled enough ink in other places explaining Thelema. So go ahead and Wikipedia it, or check out my blog scrollofthoth.com. You can even sign up for my mailing list at jameslwilber.com and get the book of commentary on My Babylon, which does some explaining as well.

But since My Babylon never stops to describe the world in which it exists, I thought I’d indulge myself here. Here’s a list of the major players in the story.

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