
old woman josie out near the car lot says the angels revealed 
themselves to her
she said they helped her with various household chores

one of them changed a lightbulb for her, the porch light

No one is a slut. “Slut” is a made-up word to keep women from having as much fun as men. A person who enjoys sex is just a person and a person who is a virgin is also just a person and everyone should lay off each other’s sex lives. Retire the word “slut” please.

20 Things We Need To Stop Talking About In 2013 (via perfect)

Ave Babalon

Someone please tell me they plan on buying a copy of the print edition of My Babylon, so that I know the past 72 hours of doing nothing but editing and perfecting this proof was done for a reason.




13. Hell’s Mouth
Acrylic on canvas
50cm x 40cm x 1.5cm

As a symbol that affirms the basic tenets of Thelema the Memorial Pillar should be the foundation stone of any Thelemic temple or shrine.



5. The Equinox of the Gods

Acrylic on papyrus

58cm x 47.5cm framed

The shape of the Memorial Pillar at Cefalu may be derived from ancient symbols representing rudimentary human forms with upraised arms.

 In 1921, amataeur archaeologist Joseph Whitaker published a report on his discovery of a Phoenician/Cathaginian sacred enclosure or Tophet on the Western coast of Sicily. Crowley may have seen local reports of the discovery.

 The burials in the Tophet were marked by stone stelae decorated with simple human figures shown with upraised arms. Macgregor Mathers noted similarities between examples of these Carthaginian figures in the Louvre and the central motif of the Secret Seal of Solomon.