1523 print Georg Lemberger.
Ave Babalon
An Import of my Tumblr Blog
The beginnings of a piece for the OCCULT art show in Salem, MA. this September.
I will be featuring several pieces in the exhibition which utilize my sigilic alphabet and function as talismanic and votary pieces dedicated to the spirits with whom I work.
Ave Babalon
Reverse: Facing bust of baal wearing polos; looking to left, bust of the moon-god Aglibol, with crescent above head and on shoulder; looking to right, bust of the sun-god Yarhibol. 2nd – 3rd cent. AD
Tilda Swinton risked arrest waving a rainbow flag in front of the Kremlin in violation of Russia’s new homosexual propaganda bill. And she wants everyone who can to share it in solidarity. (x)
Ancient Egyptian scarab made from the rare semi-precious stone lapis lazuli.
In ancient Egypt Lapis Lazuli was a favorite stone for amulets and ornaments such as scarabs; the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians also used it in ancient Mesopotamia for seals and jewelry.Lapis jewelry has been found at excavations of the Predynastic Egyptian site Naqada (3300–3100 BC), and powdered Lapis was used as eye shadow by Cleopatra. In ancient Mesopotamia, lapis artifacts can be found in great abundance, with many notable examples having been excavated at the Royal Cemetery of Ur (2600-2500 BC).Lapis Lazuli was widely used by Egyptians for cosmetics and painting. Persian legend says that the heavens owed their blue color to a massive slab of Lapis upon which the Earth rested.Lapis lazuli was being mined in the Badakhshan province of Afghanistan as early as the 3rd millennium BC. Trade in the stone is ancient enough for lapis jewelry to have been found at Predynastic Egyptian and ancient Sumerian sites, and as lapis beads at neolithic burials in Mehrgarh, the Caucasus, and even as far from Afghanistan as Mauritania.
Odin’s Secrets, a painting by Sam Flegal depicting Odin communing with the preserved head of Mimir.
Crucifixion – Ethiopian manuscript
Double-Sided Gospel Leaf from Tigray, detail with lamb of God – Agnus Dei and Sun and Moon
[first half 14th cent]
New York Metropolitan Museum of Art
Head of Moon-Goddess Selene in a tondo – Chaironeia Archaeological Museum, Greece
Original photo by courtesy of John S Y Lee, colorm-modified by p.a.