
Much of me cringes to share my religious experiences with, well, anyone really. I feel it is such a private thing. Deep and profound, meant for my own heart only. Yet something inside of me urges to write from time to time, to share with others. Perhaps a bypassing reader could be enlightened or joyed by my experience, no matter how small. I know I enjoy doing the same – reading others experiences and feeling their joy. Part of that is what drew me into Kemeticism in the first place. To know it was actually “a thing”. That this was real.

I mainly like being “in the back”, so to speak. Quietly watching and listening to everyone else. But sometimes you gotta get in there, too.

So, for starters, here is my humble shrine. As I grow and change, so too shall my shrine.


Two of my GenCon events this year use my own World of Darkness: Mythos rules. Download them and let me know what you think.

RPG1345043       Tales from the Night Shift            Thu @ 10:00 AM               4 hrs      Games System: World of Darkness          

Mature 18+    Location: Hyatt :: Directors 2 :: 1 Cost: $4

New owners have hired you to inventory their bookstore. What ancient tomes lay buried? What do the new owners want to do with them?

RPG1345046       We Interrupt This Program          Fri @ 2:00 PM    4 hrs      Games System: World of Darkness

 Mature 18+    Location: Omni :: L&N :: 1             Cost: $4

Do you ever feel like you’re not normal? What if what makes you different is what saves you? Geeks vs. Cthulhu!





[[EDIT: I was lazy with my Hebrew and spelled VGDWLH with the wrong Hebrew characters (pointed out to me by another dA artist). That mistake has been corrected.]]

I love Grimoiric magic circles and old style High Magic. I think the modern occult has lost something by stripping magic of its basic elements. The magic circle used to always be drawn physically before a ritual (see The Lesser Key of Solomon or Aggrippa’s Fourth Book for examples). Now its all “imagined.” After thinking about it for a long time I’ve decided to update (or possibly reconstruct) some common ritual elements of modern Ceremonial magic. I’m starting with the commonly used Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram.

What follows is the physical drawing for the LRP, draw on the floor in chalk around the magus. Within the circle are the basic instructions for performing the ritual. By working his way clockwise and from the center outwards the magus will find the words used in this ritual in their Hebrew forms (both in Hebrew alphabet and in English alphabet) and in their transliterated forms. I have also updated the correspondences to match the original Pythagorian model (and the model I beleive was originally implied in the LRP before it ‘evolved’ to the modern day). Also, instead of using the Banishing Earth Pentagrams for each corner I have replaced them with the appropriate quarter elemental Pentagrams. Anyone who notes my switching of Air and Earth is encouraged to look at the original and understand that the admonition to begin with Earth in the east implied that association (not that Earth was to be banished in all quarters).

If you do not like it, the don’t use it, I have very little issue with criticism or with people disagreeing with my methods.

For those who are unfamiliar with the ritual, here it is (with my associations):

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram: Take a steel dagger in the right hand. Face EAST.

Touch the forehead and vibrate “ATEH” (thou art) Touch the middle of the solar plexus and vibrate “MALKUTH” (Kingdom) Touch the right shoulder and vibrate “VE-GEVURAH” (and Power) Touch the left shoulder and vibrate “VE-GEDULAH” (and Glory) Clasp the hands before you and vibrate “LE-OLAHM” (for ever) “AMEN”

Draw, in the air facing EAST, a banishing Earth Pentagram Vibrate the Name “YHVH” (pronounced Ya-ho-wau or Yahweh)

Trace the circle’s border and draw, in the air facing SOUTH, a banishing Fire Pentagram Vibrate the Name “ADNI” (pronounced Ah-doh-naye or Adonai)

Trace the circle’s border and draw, in the air facing WEST, a banishing Water Pentagram Vibrate the Name “AHIH” (pronounced Ah-yeh or Ehyeh)

Trace the circle’s border and draw, in the air facing NORTH, a banishing Air Pentagram Vibrate the Name “AGLA” (pronounced either Ah-hag-la or Agla)

Return to the EAST, completing tracing the circle.

Extend the arms in the form of a cross, say:
“BEFORE ME…” (then vibrate)
“RPAL” (pronounced Rah-pheye-el or Raphiel)
Then, say: “Behind me…” (then vibrate)
“GBRYAL” (pronounced Gah-bree-el or Gabriel)
Then, say: “At my right hand…” (then vibrate)
“MYKAL” (pronounced Mee-kay-el of Michael)
Then, say: “At my left hand…” (then vibrate)
“AWRYAL” (pronounced Aw-ree-el or Auriel)
“About me flames the pentagram, and in the column shines the six rayed star.”


( I do agree with the artist, I think he knows much less about magick than he does PhotoShop. Though, this may be.. I felt I should add his little talking piece, as I found it with the image.)

I like this idea. Makes me want to paint my Temple floor in chalkboard paint!

While I’m always pro-materia and really like your approach, the claim that imaginary circles is a modern innovation is incorrect. The supplementary 1665 material to Reginald Scot’s excellent collection of traditional magic (predating the Lesser Key of Solomon, which actually draws upon Scot quite a bit) provides instructions for establishing an imaginary circle. It even says, “Which Ceremonies being performed, the place so sanctified is equivalent to any real Circle whatsoever.”

Thank you, swisshard for adding your information. Worthy of a reblog.