[The] sole motivating factor behind the death penalty is vengeance, not justice, and I firmly believe that a government that forbids killing among its citizens should not be in the business of killing people itself.

Larry Flynt, who has filed a motion with the help of the ACLU to force the state of Missouri to reveal more information about the execution of the man who shot and paralyzed Flynt several decades ago.  Flynt opposes the death penalty for his attacker. (via letterstomycountry)


KYBELE (or Cybele) was the great Phrygian Mother of the Gods, a primal nature goddess worshipped with orgiastic rites in the mountains of central and western Anatolia. The Greeks closely identified her with their own mother of the gods, the goddess Rhea. [x]

Sculpture by Mihail Chemiakin, in front of Mimi Ferzt Gallery in Soho, on Prince Street, New York.


After the Ancient Magi discovered the existence of the Spiritual world, they invented symbols and allegories to record their findings, and to conceal the secret from the tyrants who, for Greed and Glory, make it their business to deceive the common cattle and enslave them by destruction of knowledge, the instillation of superstition, and the promotion of ignorance.


In the Daylight I see not Thy Body of Stars, O Beloved.
The little light of the Sun veils the Great Light of the Stars, for today
Thou seemest distant.
The Sun burns like a great Torch, and Earth seems as one of His
little Spheres, filled with life.
I am but a tiny spermatozoon, but within me is the fiery and concentrated
essence of Life.
Draw me up into Thyself, O Sun! Project me into the Body of Our
Lady Nuit!
Thus shall a new Star be born, and I shall see Thee even in the
Daylight, O Beloved.

– Frater Achad, from 31 Hymns To The Star Goddess