
Thou hast given me to drink from the forbidden blinding golden grail

Thou hast called upon my name and my soul has answered

Thou hast sprayed thy elixir upon my crown

Thou hast scorched my body with thy grace

Thou hast destroyed me and he and she who are we


Refuser of none







Me, totally me. 

This is why my record is totally electronic. Even my handwriting blows.

I like handwriting. Makes it more intimate. All the sigils and symbols for rituals I do by hand.

I’m sorry to everyone who I’m about to horribly offend but Tumblr is not a place for a Magical Record. It reeks of lower ego boasting and also allows dozens/hundreds/thousands/millions of people’s perception to influence your experiments.
Geometry is fucking hard, I completely agree. Once I ended up curled up in a ball under my desk because Heptagrams made no sense to me and I’d wasted hours of my life trying to draw one. Then you know what happened? I figured it out. That’s called work, The Work. If you need lots of other people to see that you’re doing ceremonial Magick to do it, you should reevaluate why you are a Magician.


With that stricture aside: I have two magic journals: one which is very pretty and neat, and the other which is much bigger and is full  of scrawls, notes, and works(and Work) in progress.

I really shouldn’t do this.

I put my magical record on tumblr because I have personally found so few extensive, modern examples of such a record. I puzzled literally for years what such a thing should look like and how it could be useful.

Second, I welcome all input and criticism. The blog is there because I honor those who have gone before me who might know more than I do.

Last, if you have actually read it (and I think you have), it is by no means a cause for bragging or ego tripping. It’s mostly my stumbling, ignorant, fuck-ups.