SoT Ep12 Evocation

SoT Ep12 Evocation

Hello lovely explorer, I was just wondering when you plan to reply to Peter? If they fit your criteria, would you mind me sending some questions as well? I am absolutely in awe and would love to share some ideas if they coincide with ideas that relate to you.

Yep, the floor is open to send me questions for Mr. Carroll. Given that I will only ask about 10 questions, please do not get upset if yours gets cut. That being said, I am only in the brainstorming phase right now.


Dear James,

Your Scroll of Thoth looks great, I’m happy to do an email interview if you would like to send me a list of questions, Matt Kaybryn can also supply you with some images to decorate the interview.




“The sexual flame is without any doubt simultaneously a Jehovistic and Vedantic truth.

The sexual flame is the Goddess of the Word always worshipped by the wise.

When it awakens, it confers illumination unto us.

The erotic flame confers unto us that divine wisdom which is not of the mind and which is beyond time.

She is the one who gives the Mukti of final beatitude, and the Jnana [Knowledge; wisdom] of liberation.

– Samael Aun Weor