Bronze head of Pazuzu, Mesopotamia (probably from Nimrud), 900-612 BC, now in the room 56 of the British Museum.
Month: March 2014
It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there will be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from you action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.
An IVxxi Sol in 6º 53’ 50” Pisces, Luna in 14º 49’ 25” Capricorn – Æon Horus
A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight!
II,43 – Liber AL vel Legis sub figvrâ CCXX
“Falling asleep is back, in a sense, the Bosom of Nuit. Yet there must be a particular Act of Adoration of Our Lady, as well know.” – Master Therion
Nu, my divine mother, open your wings over me as shine in the heavens the undying stars.
Thelemic New Year Anno V0 a.l.
Thelemic New Year Anno V0 a.l.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Feast for the Supreme Ritual, The Feast of the Equinox of the Gods, Thelemic New Year (Anno IVxxi), Vernal Equinox, The Ritual of Fire.
The Secret Instruction of the Master
Treat time and all conditions of Event as Servants of thy…
Equinox of the Gods Superpost.
Circles of Power
Circles of Power: A Guide to Ceremonial Magic by Hermetic Library fellow John Michael Greer, second edition from Salamander and Sons, available in 2013, supposedly available from Weiser Antiquarian but not appearing in their catalog, may be of interest.
Happy holy days to all my Thelemite friends.
I have some confessions to make.
I’m not a member of the “typical” tumblr age-group. I grew up in the 80s. Yes, I’m that old.
Confession two, I love 80s action movies. Especially ones where the action is way over the fucking top, like Die Hard. The more impossible the better. You see, a long time ago me and my friends came to the conclusion that John McClane, Martin Riggs, Snake Plissken—all those guys were wizards. No, not the “Do as Thou Wilt,” Aleister Crowley, type of wizards. The Jedi, movie Merlin, Kung-Fu action type of wizards.
Add in a dose of James Bond and you have, Christopher Yan, and my new book Chasing the Wyrm.
So, for the sake of an old 80s guy, give it a look. It’s only $2.99 at Amazon until March 22nd.
And please re-blog!
Chasing the Wyrm: Christopher Yan – Office of Arcane Affairs
To protect its interests, the U.S. government projects its power militarily, economically, and magically. It leaves the last to the Office of Arcane Affairs.
Christopher Yan didn’t ask for the job. A wizard born with the power to warp reality, the OAA calls on him to neutralize all arcane threats. Part spy, part fixer, part assassin, Topher searches for a way to make his unique gift serve both his country and his principles. When he makes an enemy of a rogue wizard serving a dying insurgency, he learns the limits his conscience can bear.
Ave Babalon