
How to make encharmed waters.

1. Write charm, word or sigil with watercolor pencil.

2. Place it into water while praying, chanting, spinning in circles and drooling on yourself, or whatever else does it for you.

3. Once the majority of pigment has run off into the water use it to dress objects, anoint people, sprinkle about a place, add to baths, floor washes, or to the laundry water; or (provided they’re non-toxic) infuse it with herbs to make a potion.


Sigil launcher- aka Teabag Rocket.

Sigil Rocket (AKA Teabag rocket)

Best use for indoors, but can be used out doors.

1- Obtain a Teabag (a known brand) you know is made out of paper. Not some swanky plastic netting Teabag- burning plastic is right out.
2- Remove string and tag by pulling away from bag now leaving small staple which I find best remove with wire cutters.
3- Unfold bag, empty contents of bag aside for a nice cupper later.
4- Now what remains is a paper tube. Let your imagination swing into action with various methods of folding, cutting, adding other materials, or, as here just leave as is.
To assist the structure to remain upright, poke your little pinky in to open up and fold into a tall open box figure.
5- Flatten again to draw, print, paint your sigil ( I have used the sigil of resurrection for this example). Be mind full that some inks/ mediums may bleed out and make the design not the desired finish or look- so practice with different methods of applying your sigil and see what works for you. Use natural alternative inks like lemon juice ( remember the invisible ink trick?) or beet root juice. 
6- Charge sigil as you normally would – however prior to ignition PLEASE BE MINDFUL- once the paper burns down it raises about 2 meters. Make sure you remove any combustible items (feathers, silk, artwork, dried plants, furs other items that may catch on fire or easily scorched) must be rearranged or removed prior to ignition. Use a small ceramic tile or some other none conbustable flat stable object to light Teabag. In my example I have used a tin lid. Oh- and be mindful of the spider web like ash that floats back down.
Please refer to gif for how it lifts.

Magic is surprisingly simple. What can it offer?

1. A means to disentangle yourself from the attitudes and restrictions you were brought up with and which define the limits of what you may become.
2. Ways to examine your life to look for, understand and modify behavior, emotional and thought patterns which hinder learning and growth.
3. Increase of confidence and personal charisma.
4. A widening of your perception of just what is possible, once you set heart and mind on it.
5. To develop personal abilities, skills and perceptions—the more we see the world, the more we appreciate that it is alive.
6. To have fun. Magic should be enjoyed.
7. To bring about change—in accordance with will.

Magic can do all this, and more.

Condensed Chaos, Phil Hine (via the-psychonaut)

Wtf is the difference between magic and magick. I was asking a girl on here some questions and all she did was put magick***





Oh gosh, Nonny, the way you worded your ask made me burst into giggles. xD

Some people prefer to use the k as a distinction between stage magic/sought of hand and witchcraft magic. Neither is wrong, though you’ll have many express why one or the other is wrong or just makes you sound conceited and/or arrogant and/or ignorant if you use it.

Do whatever you want and ignore the haters. :3

Ok, now that I’m not falling asleep…

The K-spelling was created by (I believe) Crowley, because it fit nicer with [thing to do with numbers] than the C-spelling.

I don’t actually remember who or what, so I’m going to pass this off to Sec, because I know she knows, and her page is where I heard about it.


It’s not just a special k (which people like to throw in there as a pejorative slang) there is actually a purpose or a reason why its spelled this way. It also has to do with the will and separating the Divine Will from the performance of fake magic (because anyone who doesn’t use the Divine Will [read: witchcraft, folk magic, etc] are fakes – not just stage magic – but literally calling witchcraft and folk magic and any other forms that do not incorporate this Divine Will as fraudulent and bullshit).

So. Yeah……

Thanks, Sec! xD

Also, the god of knowledge, Google, returns much different search results between magic and magick.