Let the obsessive research begin!
- The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
- The Magus
- The Book of Ceremonial Magic
- Sixth Book of Moses
- Seventh Book of Moses
- The Key of Solomon The King
- The Lesser Key of Solomon
- Abratel of Magick
- Grimoire of Armadel
- Grimoire of Honorius
- Grimoirium Imperium
- Grimoirum Verum
- Heptameron
- Libellus Magicus
- The Secret Grimoire of Turiel
Hmmm. You might want to add the Enchiridion of Pope Leo, Le Petit Albert, and The Black Dragon.
Crossed keys has the Enchiridion and Black Dragon, but I’m unaware of a decent translation of Le Petit Albert.
EDIT: Also CLM 849, as found in Kieckhefer’s Forbidden Rites.
Where would I get such books?
Crossed Keys is by Scarlet Imprint. Also check out anything by Jake Stratton-Kent. PM me if you need help getting ahold of them.