
The Dendera light is a particularly controversial topic since it is not exactly an artefact of potential ancient technology, but the possible depiction of an artefact on a wall of one of the best preserved ancient temples in Egypt—the temple of the Egyptian goddess Hathor at Dendera. The Dendera light is found on three stone reliefs and, at first glance, could be construed as a lamp with a cable at the end and a snake-shaped cord inside. A priest is holding the lamp at one end, and a few smaller figures are below it with one appearing to hold the lamp upwards.


For those of you who have been waiting, it’s here, Chasing the Wyrm the trade paperback is now available on Amazon!

Chasing the Wyrm by James L. Wilber

“I work for the Office of Arcane Affairs. 

You have never heard of us. 

If the CIA finds out al-Qaeda has a guy who can bend spoons, they call the OAA, and they send me. When the Office of Naval Intelligence has reports of a strange, giant, glowing squid, “Hey OAA, can Topher scuba dive?” An infestation of rabid, gun-toting, were-jaguars in a South American jungle? No problem. Topher can fix it. Nothing worse than spooked spooks who don’t have a clue what they’re dealing with. 

But that’s my job. Because being a wizard means I’m the only one who can handle it.” 

To protect its interests, the U.S. government projects its power militarily, economically, and magically. It leaves the last to the Office of Arcane Affairs. 

Christopher Yan didn’t ask for the job. A wizard born with the power to warp reality, the OAA calls on him to neutralize all arcane threats. Part spy, part fixer, part assassin, Topher searches for a way to make his unique gift serve both his country and his principles. When he makes an enemy of a rogue wizard serving a dying insurgency, he learns the limits his conscience can bear.