
Huxley and Orwell were both members of the same British elite circles. Their books were cautionary tale examples of the two greatest different possible outcomes (extreme capitalism or socialism) for all the desires and plans of the rich influential technocratic fools they actually knew!



Tibetan Buddhist monks Create Mandalas Using Millions of Grains of Sand-The Mystical Arts

Imagine the amount of patience that’s required to create such highly detailed art such as this! To promote healing and world peace, a group of Tibetan Buddhist monks, from the Drepung Loseling Monastery in India, travel the world creating incredible mandalas using millions of grains of sand. For days or even weeks, the monks spend up to eight hours a day working on one mandala sand painting, pouring multicolored grains of sand onto a shared platform until it becomes a spectacular piece of art.


That’s here in Dallas as we speak!

St. Gregory the Illuminator said, ‘We make Idols of our concepts, but wisdom is born of wonder.’ In more modern jargon, we easily hypnotize ourselves with our current models—our maps of existence, our latest reality-tunnels—and wisdom begins when we are shocked out of this hypnosis and realize again that appearances are our own Mickey Mouse creations and we don’t know what is ‘behind’ these appearances.

Robert Anton Wilson.  Semiotext(e) SF. 1989.

(via criminal-delirium)