My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.

 Nikola Tesla  (via titanium44)


Welcome to the fold Neophytes.
Tonight after a banishing and purifying ceremony in the world famous Ouija Club I will be doing 1 card Tarot readings.
If you like the feeling of goosebumps you’ll want to send me an ask. If you enjoy the feeling of satisfaction knowing you gave to a worthy cause, please donate with the Paypal button on top of my blog.
Folks who donate $10 or more get a video Tarot reading!





Technology then and now

at first i thought it was the same number then I noticed it said GB and damn

As one of the tech review magazines said a few years ago when the first 32 GB micro SD cards came out, “At last it is possible for a single human being to accidentally swallow all of the data collected by the Apollo Program.”

now that is a review

The Singularity is extremely fucking nigh.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,

Sometimes I think we all forget this most important fact.

Love is the law, love under will.

This is why the Law of the Aeon of Thoth is “Know thy True Will.” Because maybe we need to start thinking about shit before we do it. Unlike a spoiled child that just does whatever it feels like.

No offense to the person who posted this, but I am completely done with the Aeon of Horus.


Since very few of us live on farms or have a chance to light bonfires, I say we re-purpose this holiday. Let’s celebrate sex workers and give them the respect they deserve.

We shall call it Wal-porn-gus-night!

Im serious about this.