Ave Babalon
Month: June 2014
Karl Friedrich Schinkel, scenic designs for Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute); The Hall of Stars in the Palace of the Queen of the Night [Königin der Nacht]; Entwurfzeichnung zum Bühnenbild, Berlin, c. 1816.
Teenage Girl Stabs Mother in Another Slender Man-Inspired Attack
Teenage Girl Stabs Mother in Another Slender Man-Inspired Attack
Please let this not be a new trend in violence. We really don’t need another.Uh, why is this in the #tulpa tag?
There’s a weird theory that Slenderman is a collective tulpa. If that’s what people believe then who am I to tell them otherwise, but that’s originally how I got into making a tulpa, by following a string of links from a Slenderman website 🙂
I’ve heard of that, but this really doesn’t belong in our tag, and it’s a bit confusing and annoying to see that it was ONLY put in our tag and nothing that’s actually relevant.
Didn’t know you owned the right to the fucking tag.
Lord in Heaven yall fucking ridiculous.
Here’s a fun thought: is it a Tulpa (i.e. Servitor/Egregore who has no leash and has been hijacked by something), an Egregore (thoughtform tied to the will of the people who believe in it), or now a Godform (now affect people).
An egregore. If indeed it’s any of them at all. I’m side-eyeing the fuck out of people who want to lay the blame on a fictional character because it might be a thoughtform.
If you had read through the discussion a few days ago, we literally spent a good 6 posts detailing the possible mental illnesses or the veracity of this girl’s statement in terms of perhaps it was a lie so she’s deemed insane and gets sent to an asylum instead of prison and etc.
After we responsibly discussed the varying “facts” as it were, we went into it with occultist/magician lenses.
Oh. I didn’t. My bad. Moving forward.
I wouldn’t call Slenderman an ‘unleashed thoughtform’/tulpa based off this one incident. I do believe that this could cause a chain reaction that would let it off its chain, so to speak. Like we saw with that guy that dressed up like the Joker and assaulted the movie theater in Colorado, the same argument could be made for that situation: is “the Joker” so potent of a thoughtform in our collective consciousness, that it interjected its programming into the wills of people?
I think it’s definitely possible.
I mean I have this theory that I’m perfecting with some sociology friends of mine that I’m calling the Copy Cat theory, that reporting of one crime nationally and continuously causes more crimes of that nature or with similar details.
But that’s ~hard science~. Throwing juju into the mix maybe there’s some egregore in the Collect Unconscious that is triggered by an event and then tries to latch on to as many people as possible in order to validate and continue it’s existence.
I’ve given this some thought, too. Of course it’s too soon to draw conclusions. The original news report for the OH Slender Man incident didn’t give the date that it occurred. All that was reported that it was an evening after the woman got off of work. I have a feeling that this happened before the WI incident, but it’s now emerging as news because of what happened earlier this week. I’m just as likely to be wrong, too. We won’t know until the media decides to not be so fucking coy about the details.
I just read a half dozen articles on both killings. This is complete fucking bullshit. It’s another satanic/heavy metal panic. Notice that there is NO quote from the girls saying they killed for Slenderman. It is only the sheriff’s department saying the girls were “obsessed.” They are looking for something to blame so they blame something “scary” they don’t understand. Yet never do they blame the real dominant forces in our culture – Christianity and consumerism.
From left to right: Icelandic magical staff, vodou veve, goetic sigil.
The visual similarities among these three ritual symbolic traditions are striking.