

“One year ago, we learned that the internet is under surveillance, and our activities are being monitored to create permanent records of our private lives — no matter how innocent or ordinary those lives might be.

Today, we can begin the work of effectively shutting down the collection of our online communications, even if the US Congress fails to do the same. That’s why I’m asking you to join me on June 5th for Reset the Net, when people and companies all over the world will come together to implement the technological solutions that can put an end to the mass surveillance programs of any government. This is the beginning of a moment where we the people begin to protect our universal human rights with the laws of nature rather than the laws of nations.

We have the technology, and adopting encryption is the first effective step that everyone can take to end mass surveillance. That’s why I am excited for Reset the Net — it will mark the moment when we turn political expression into practical action, and protect ourselves on a large scale.

Join us on June 5th, and don’t ask for your privacy. Take it back.”
-Edward Snowden

Call it a stopgap until the New Frontier opens up.


COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The IRS tells Churches NOT to offend President Obama. What is the IRS? The Democrats own police force, used for political purposes, and to intimidate anyone who opposes them? It certainly looks like it.

No. They said you don’t get to have political speech one way or the other and remain tax exempt. Doesn’t matter who your screed is against. Otherwise, every super PAC would call themselves a religious organization and evade taxes.

Personally, I think churches should have to prove half their income goes to charitable causes before they earn tax exempt status.


Here’s what the famous Tiananmen Square tank man photo looks like zoomed out

Wednesday marks the 25th anniversary of the Tienanmen Square massacre, where Chinese troops uprooted pro-democracy demonstrators who had been occupying the square. Hundreds, possibly thousands of people lost their lives that day. The key symbol of the protests: An anonymous man standing in front of a procession of oncoming tanks. 

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