

    What advice do I need to listen to more?

This one hits home more then I’d like for both aspects of my Spiritual and Personal life. Using the Creativity and Logic to move forwards within myself and my life. I have been told more times then I’d like to hear on this and so I’m going to move forwards with this now.

    How can I learn to take it to heart?

To simply WANT to do it, this is my biggest issue. I’m not lazy by any standard but willingness to do this sort of change takes sometimes more then I am truly willing to offer. This I guess is the time I need to since I have things ahead of me coming that i need to step up and take control of.

    What do I need to change to follow through with the advice?

To be more positive, to look upwards for my answers and guidance.  I know within myself the answers are, but sometimes I need to look towards my Deities so I can see what I am missing. I’m my worst enemy when it comes to being positive at times. I’m working well at changing that permanently but as it is told, nothing worth doing ever takes only a few moments or a few steps. It is always the longest walks and hardest of work.