In trying to develop the will, the most fatal pitfall is to confuse will with the chauvinism of the ego. Will is not willpower, virility, obstinancy, or hardness. Will is unity of desire.

Peter J Carroll, Liber Null (via prometheanreach)


La Clavicule ou la Clef de Salomon, Roi des Hebreux et fils de David, traduite de l’hebreux, divisee en quatre livres.

Traduites par Mr. Pierre Morissoneau, Professeur des langues orientales et Sectateur des Sages Cabalistes (1796).

> Illustrations by J. S. Fyot. [x] [x]


This sigil looks way better on paper. 

Anyway this is a sigil for Justice, because i think we all need a little right now. 

It’s of course dedicated to justice for Mike Brown, spread around or just like it please, this little baby needs all it can get with the current state of affairs,