

Thoth, The God of Wisdom by M. Korchagina

Hail Thoth, architect of truth, give me words of power before gods and goddesses and creatures of light and the messengers of heaven. Grant me unity of the heart, mind and spirit. Grant me love and light, an everlasting body. Grant me the words of transformation and the will of the flesh to make things happen. I wait to come forth by day again. My body turns to greening. I wait to give birth unto dream, to give form to the peace in my heart. I shall be a man on earth shaping the things of god. I am light entering unto fire, coming forth and shining through darkness. May I walk beneath blue heaven singing, my heart telling the story of light. I am a man blessed by becoming millions and millions of times.

Normandi Ellis-Awakening Osiris: A New Translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

The more correct translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is The Book of Coming into the Light.

Praise Thoth!