Thus the Idolater-Witch holds the heretical view that all truly magical images are living, and worthy of contemplation in both beauty and grotesquerie. All serve as potential reservoirs of fascination and the liberation of power, and the most potent among them achieve a liminality incorporating both states of aesthesis. In this way we may understand how a wrathful deity may also be a deity of compassion, and how its hallowed icons may be both glorious and ghastly. Such is the iconography of the Flayed Gods, among whose red company dwells Xipe Totec, Mani and Christ the Lord.

Daniel Schulke- Lux Haeresis – ‘Beauty, ugliness, and the mask’ (via iseesigils)


“The Holy Union”
Finished another beautiful sacred woman for my Star Children series, I felt these next writing fit in perfectly with how I feel about this digital painting.
“At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say-and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple-To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant. Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you! I am the blue- lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.
To me! To me!” – Liber Al Vel Legis chapters 62,63,64, & 65.

Ave Babalon



Thoth, The God of Wisdom by M. Korchagina

Hail Thoth, architect of truth, give me words of power before gods and goddesses and creatures of light and the messengers of heaven. Grant me unity of the heart, mind and spirit. Grant me love and light, an everlasting body. Grant me the words of transformation and the will of the flesh to make things happen. I wait to come forth by day again. My body turns to greening. I wait to give birth unto dream, to give form to the peace in my heart. I shall be a man on earth shaping the things of god. I am light entering unto fire, coming forth and shining through darkness. May I walk beneath blue heaven singing, my heart telling the story of light. I am a man blessed by becoming millions and millions of times.

Normandi Ellis-Awakening Osiris: A New Translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

The more correct translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is The Book of Coming into the Light.

Praise Thoth!


The Moon and her many relations. Through her sexual relations she became more powerful, forming alliances and was seen as the ‘ultimate mother’ – the head of a matrilineal group. Noble Maya themselves needed their nobility recognized by her. In Maya thought she was powerful, desired and excessive.

At top, the Moon with a Death Goddess; With two aged gods, possibly God L or a Mam. Bottom images show the Moon with with a monkey, with a Chaac and with a deer.

Sources: Fragments from Uaxactún, Guatemala (from Antonio Tejada), Dresden Codex (p.22 and 68), Maya Vase (©Justin Kerr no. 1339), Jaina figurines (©Justin Kerr no. 5780 and 2881)


Please help an indie author – reblog!


To celebrate surpassing 2,000 followers, I am putting my
novels on sale for 99 cents through April 3rd.

Chasing the Wyrm is not as serious as My Babylon, but it was
a hell of a lot of fun to write. I love urban fantasy and bad 80s action
movies. The idea for this book came from watching Die Hard. The best explanation
I could find for how John McClain does what he does is that he’s a wizard. It
has its serious side too. I’ve always bemoaned how urban fantasy is politically
naïve. I wanted to fix that.

Get the ebook on Amazon for 99 cents. Also available in
print. Buy the print edition
and receive the Kindle edition for free.

Chasing the Wyrm: Christopher Yan – Office of Arcane Affairs

“I work for the Office of Arcane Affairs.

You have never heard of us.

If the CIA finds out al-Qaeda has a guy who can bend spoons,
they call the OAA, and they send me. When the Office of Naval Intelligence has
reports of a strange, giant, glowing squid, “Hey OAA, can Topher scuba dive?”
An infestation of rabid, gun-toting, were-jaguars in a South American jungle?
No problem. Topher can fix it. Nothing worse than spooked spooks who don’t have
a clue what they’re dealing with.

But that’s my job. Because being a wizard means I’m the only
one who can handle it.”

To protect its interests, the U.S. government projects its
power militarily, economically, and magically. It leaves the last to the Office
of Arcane Affairs.

Christopher Yan didn’t ask for the job. A wizard born with
the power to warp reality, the OAA calls on him to neutralize all arcane
threats. Part spy, part fixer, part assassin, Topher searches for a way to make
his unique gift serve both his country and his principles. When he makes an
enemy of a rogue wizard serving a dying insurgency, he learns the limits his
conscience can bear.


Please help an indie author – reblog!


To celebrate surpassing 2,000 followers, I am putting my
novels on sale for 99 cents through April 3rd.

I consider My Babylon my best work to date. Personally
cathartic, I wrote My Babylon in the gloom shrouded winter of 2013, driven
through the dark months, and completing it the spring with the promise of life
returned. I believe anyone with a taste for a dark, psychological tale with
occult themes would enjoy this book.

Get the ebook on Amazon for 99 cents. Also available in
print. Buy the print
edition and receive the Kindle edition for free.


A novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of
a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the Apocalypse. My Babylon
weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult
practices to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even

In My Babylon, the magus, consumed with longing, seeks to
create a replacement for his lost love using a grisly ritual that requires the
theft of a body. Through her creation, he learns that he has a much bigger role
to play, and that she may be a form of salvation not only for him but for

The Complete edition contains all five books of the My

Reviews* for My Babylon

“Captivating, interesting, dark, and at times even

“Darkly horrific, Lovecraftian work. Parts of it make
you squeamish, parts send chills down your spine. A deft illustration of the
black side of the human soul.”

“What I really loved about this work was what was left
unsaid—telling a story with details rather than stating the obvious is becoming
a lost art. What surprised me about this work was how much it drew me in
despite my merely mild interest in the occult.”

“James has put together a great story with great
characters who feel authentic, even as they go about tasks that you’d be
horrified to find out your neighbors were up to. And even though Mike, the
magician who narrates this story, is involved in really heinous activities, I
still like the guy. And that is an impressive feat.”

“Not for the timid this book, but well worth it.”

“An intriguing look at what drives us …”

“It’s the struggle to remain sane, keep discrete, and
keep the emotional compulsions in control that structures the suspense of this

“In the end, you’re left with the sense of a
masterfully conceived protagonist who gives credence to the idea of the
unsympathetic character. It also maintains an orbiting cluster of supporting
characters who are interesting in their own right but also necessary to the
development of the protagonist.”

*Reviews originate from those left for the individual novellas
included in this book.