For the course of the six months that you will be Working through Liber MMM you should keep a dream journal. In it you should write down whatever it is you remember about your dream experiences first thing in the morning, including if you do not remember anything at all. As your dream entries will increase with time it is usually best to keep your dream journal seperate from your magical journal to prevent overcrowding.This is less of an issue for people using electronic journal tools, but still consider keeping separate files.
To help improve your ability to recall your dreams consider giving the following practice a try. As you lay down to sleep begin to recall the events of the day as fully as possible, starting with the most recent events and working your way backwards to when you first woke up. Once you have completed this say some kind of positive loading formula, such as “As I make my way to the Realms of Dream I drink from the Waters of Rememberance,” or something that you find stimulating.