
I’ve been reflecting on that whole mask thing that I was on about for awhile. I think in part, it was the result of a misunderstanding of what I was really trying to accomplish, and allowing my ego to interfere with the operation. I was rushing in with my blinders on, and being stubborn.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I need to do to avoid similar mistakes in the future. I think a big part of this is that I have a tendency to take too much of a masculine, penetrative aproach to this kind of thing, I try to stubbornly charge on blindly sometimes, and I need to learn to be more patient and receptive. I also need to work on thinking more critically about what I am doing and why, and to recognize when my ego is acting as an obstacle. I had some other similar realizations, but I think I’ll mind the 4th power of the sphinx here 😛

I’m going to burn the mask after meditating more on what it symbolizes in my work. Burning it will be symbolic of moving on from this mistake and overcoming the problems that lead to it’s creation. I’m most likely going to ritualizing the burning of it and make the whole thing a big to do.


Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (Иван Яковлевич Билибин), Vasilisa the Beautiful at the Hut of Baba Yaga (Василиса Прекрасная в Избушка Бабы Яги), 1902.