Who is baphomet exactly?? Also who exactly is Cernnunos? An is he the horned God? Are they all different????

Those are some complex questions. I don’t think you can nail down either of those concepts “exactly.” They mean different things to different people.

Commonly, Baphomet is seen as one or more of the following – an embodiment of alchemical  principles, the dualistic nature of the universe, Satan, a symbol of the biosphere, a/the horned god.

Cernnunos is a Celtic deity about which little is known, but who has been adopted by witches and occultists as a general horned god, or the Horned God.

Pan shares many of these aspects as well.

I don’t know how far along you are in your own occult studies, and I don’t mean to talk down to anyone. I have personally found that the more you learn, the more you see that the most interesting occult symbols have myriad meanings and can both be one thing and another at the same time. 

I highly recommend, The Book of Baphomet, by Julian Vayne and Nicki Wyrd.

I think the best thing you can do is speak with these entities yourself and see what they say.

Don’t post that spiritual races bullshit. As a minority, I already get enough shit in the real world about the “metaphysical nature” of my skin color or whatever. What a load of Victorian bullshit.

Given the background of that post, a sea of stars, I don’t believe it was referring to “races” in the way you are suggesting. Unless it is an unattributed quote that has context to make me feel differently. 

English is an imprecise language and race an imprecise word.


I’m back in the Tarot game!

After having bumbled the minors last time around I’ve decided scrap (most of) the old cards and complete one full suit at a time starting with the Swords. And yes, I’ll be making a Thoth version. : 3