There is amongst the linear pathway of the circle, triangle, cross and pentacle, a sigillated projection of the magician’s potentialities, a hieroglyphic codex of his self-overcoming. The subtle geometries which link the words and deeds, the vibrations and sensations, of the magician to the trajectories of his going forth into Otherness are visibly indicated by the mundane objects of the rite: the linear representations and iconography. These give Form to the invisible forces of alignment which are realized in the apotheosis of emotive intuition: the Gnostic revelation in the midst of the obsession-encircled heart.
Andrew Chumbley- ‘The Secret Nature of Ritual’- opuscula magica 1. (via iseesigils)
The arts posted in this social profile are not directly related with our society. Politics, sensationalism, homophobia and racism is completely contrary to the practice and teachings of the Fraternitatis S.’.S.’. and Thelema.
Cultus Sabbati Artist Helen Oliver Soror Pasht-Akhti
I was wondering when these images would start popping up. It’s wonderful to see her work and so much of it. Even more so to see the Sabbatic current so evident and the obvious iconic progression that is still being used in their works that are plainly a derivative of her early work and help in establishing the Column of the Crooked Path.
IIRC the Dragon Book of Essex was, originally, supposed to contain a set of her artwork (on mudras). you can also find some of her black and white work in Starfire vol 2 no 2.
“Art, in the human truth of it, touches the Universal. Seeing Art, we
recognise a thought we had but could not utter, are made less alone. The eerie sense that there’s just one of us” – From “Snakes & Ladders” by Alan Moore.