Here’s an easy banishing program that functions by creating and cleansing (i.e. nuking) a symbol of the area. However, any banishing ritual (best of all, one of your own creation) will work as long as you project authority and do not deviatefrom therules laid down by whatever ritual you choose. Keep in mind that because you are aphysical being that you are the boss of the physical realm, they’re just a guest. It’s the rules. Now, if you hopped into the astral realm at their behest it would be the other way around, ya dig?. It’s sounds bananas but if you invite them in your house (the physical realm) and they accept they have to play by the rules of your house. Rapping everything up in an overarching ritual lays down the ground rules that they must abide by. It’s best to plan out your entire evocational ritual from beginning to end, in great detail. Stick to these rules. Assert your authority. Be the boss. :3
A better view of the icosahedron I made out of clear quartz on Metatron`s cube, that contains the icosahedron as one of its shapes.
In foreign policy Obama has repaired relations with allies, brought troops home from the un-winnable wars of his Republican predecessor, prevented a nuclear Iran, created international coalitions to tackle international issues, and sought to uphold America’s values and maintain its moral integrity by allowing refugees made destitute from our own policies to seek asylum here in America. Yet despite all this, Republicans somehow say, America’s foreign policy has neither been more mismanaged nor America’s position in the world been more at stake.
sought to uphold America’s values and maintain its moral integrity by allowing refugees made destitute from our own policies to seek asylum here in America”
“Yet despite all this, Republicans somehow say, America’s foreign policy has neither been more mismanaged nor America’s position in the world been more at stake.”
Photographer Recreates Gustav Klimt’s Golden Paintings
Based in Austria, photographer Inge Prader paid homage to Gustav Klimt’s golden paintings by creating still-lifes. With the use of multiple models, Prader set the scene and atmosphere, which transformed itself into a stunning artistic performance.