All matters of the
Heart – love, longing, heartache; mastery of emotion, weather manipulation,
divination, the sea of memory, taming the balance between heart and mind,
overcoming sadness, grief, connecting with past and future (“time travel”),
beauty, self-love, passive protection, connecting to the Dead
While the Red Queen reigns over passion, the Lady of the
Depths rules what remains – the sweetness, the devotion and the lasting love.
She is the kindly, insightful beauty welcoming you at the gates of her
queendom. She is the storm and the shelter from its own rage, she is the spring
of love that feeds the tributaries of experience that inevitably feed into the
Sea of Death – the place between lives – where she shows the retrospect in the
looking glass.
Offerings, including but not limited to:
Water – of any kind
(though salt or rain is recommended), shells, water-flowers (like the lotus),
but also most flowers of love/devotion/friendship, most herbs ruled by the
element of water or the moon, river rocks or sand, pink/blue ribbon/candles,
fish or shellfish, coins for wishes
Ideal locations for workings:
Offerings are thrown
into or left in/near water – creeks, rivers, lakes, the ocean (even bowls of
water), thusly those places near are suitable for work with her, fountains,
graveyards, a circle of shells or sand, extremely suited to bath rituals of
cleansing or love drawing
To Call Her
Gather a collection of offerings, a square of blue or pink
cloth and – with chalk – mark her seal (above). Upon this, the offerings will
be presented. While the offerings can be suitably left near water, I encourage
you to use bio-friendly materials and, when the evocation is complete, they can
all be thrown collectively into water. There is no hymn to be sung or prayer to
be read – instead, speak from the heart. Ask her to come, trust your intuition
and delve into recesses of the mind. Present a desire, ask for her help, ask
for her presence. For those with Sight, train your eyes on the water – she will
appear on or within its surface, with welcoming arms.
Once the connection has been made, you might make a plea to
her. What that will be is entirely dependent on what you need. If you are going
to completely spill your heart out to any of them, it is this one – she is
completely welcoming toward all displays of emotion and is the perfect counsel
for any problems you may be struggling with.
When you are through, leave the offerings for her – as
previously mentioned, it is encouraged that you either sink them in the water
or float them out on something eco-friendly.
It is recommended that upon the completion of your request
that you leave another offering to her as a gift of thanks – with her, you may
find that placing a hand-written letter of thanks and love to be suitable. She
would surely welcome the kindly gesture.