As of late, my use of magick has been for the change of long standing habits and thought processes that hold me back from my true will: The gathering of knowledge through the allowance of grace, and conscientious transmission of that knowledge.
Many teachers I had while I was in the public education system put me down for voicing unpopular opinions, for questioning the validity of certain systems, and for starting debates with people who were my “superior.” I realized students were only encouraged to think critically within the framework of the curriculum; it was then that I learned to despise anything that I felt to be even remotely rigid/systemic: time, discipline, authority.
I formed the habit of always being in opposition, and though it was a priority for a certain period of my life, it is now hindering me. My subconscious mind must have realized this long ago because Saturn has been pushing her way into my life as if someone sent her a call of emergency. She’s making any behavior or tendency that does not align with my will almost unbearable, and making sure that I figure out healthy ways of self discipline, goal setting, and proper use of time. Saturn is teaching me that limitations, authority, boundaries, and time are not unnatural; in fact, learning to respect and introduce them into my lifestyle are a necessary part of my transformation. Saturn has sparked in me a call to action, in ways I believed would never work for me.
While I thought systems were the dark side of humanity, understanding their importance is exactly what I needed to see the light. Since my subconscious will and external life have begun to align, I have become more psychically capable; and I know it’s because through the breaking of habits (death) I have honed into a more distinguished power.