Perhaps the less said
about this book the better. The publishers were tempted to release the tome
without comment, but the realization that few would understand the volume in
and of itself, precluded this route.
For our purposes, the
story begins on June the 21st, of the year 2010, when the magician
Frater Zentra El wandered the late night streets of Manhattan in a state of
deep chemognosis. Upon spotting the book lying in the gutter, he at first
mistook it for one of his own magical journals, which are kept in similar
composition books. To his surprise, it contained magical wisdom far deeper than
he previously understood.
Who actually penned the
Gutter Bible? That remains a mystery to this day. It could simply be the
ramblings of an escaped mental patient. Perhaps the writer had some magical
training, perhaps not. It could have been transmitted by a goetic spirit, or
dropped through the cracks in reality. Close examinations have determined only
two things: that it is written in at least three different languages, and that
the author probably identified as female.
The only certainty is
that the writer, whatever it may be, touched something beyond most people’s
limited understanding of the universe. Spend just a few minutes examining the
pages and you’ll find yourself in a state of gnosis[1].
Deep examinations finds passages of psychological and emotional significance
that go beyond what a “stable” mind can comprehend.
For this purpose alone,
the Gutter Bible would be worth years of intensive study. Simply using it as a
portal to gnosis itself leads to spectacular results. Thankfully, some have
delved deeper.
Upon retrospect, this Scribe
cannot believe that when, and where, and most importantly, who, found the Gutter
Bible can be mere chance. This wisdom wanted to be found, and it chose a
capable of understanding the importance of what he received, and the ability to
use it. For after months of study, the Prophet, by means of divination and
illumination, came to a momentous conclusion. That what he possessed was the
basis for that which has been sought after by magicians for decades if not
centuries. He found a cipher to create a system of pure magick for the modern
Since the dawn of
civilization, when the shaman was usurped by the priest, magick has been
polluted by religion and materialism. Since that time, magick has devolved into
an intellectual pursuit, with the roadmaps for understanding the underpinnings
of reality created by philosophers and viziers. They, consciously or subconsciously,
created systems that reinforced their religious and political agendas. Over
time, magick became enslaved to Judeo-Christian philosophy in the West, and Hindu-Taoist
philosophy in the East. No matter how revelatory the nature of any system’s
basis seemed to be, it still contained the elements of the theology understood
by its founders.[3]
The Gutter Bible has the unique advantage of being truly “found” wisdom that
bypasses the filters of previous revelations.
The Prophet’s recognition
of these properties is perhaps the greatest gift to magick in generations.
Emergent Magick
What the Prophet did not
do with the revelation is perhaps more important than what he created. He did
not perform an in depth intellectual analysis of the text. He did not seek
translation. Nor did he attempt to find the writer on the physical plane for
further clarification.
He realized that the only
true path to understanding the wisdom contained was through magick itself.
Enlisting the aid of the Seer, Soror Panthera, they plumbed the depths of the
Gutter Bible using divination, evocation, and invocation. Through their magick
they opened the door to a cosmos both frightening and awe inspiring, and
found an entity of purest magick.
This Scribe encourages
you to do the same. To find a name or a passage in the Gutter Bible, and make
it the source for your own magical workings. Don’t try to analyze
intellectually what you have read before you seek your own revelation in a
gnostic state.
To help facilitate this,
we include the base methods used by the Prophet and the Seer, and a fraction of
their own findings. We call this system, Emergent Magick, and have founded an
Order specifically for the practice.
Please email
for information on further updates to this volume, new publications, and places
to share your own findings.
The Scribe Frater
February 12th,
For our purposes, gnosis refers to alternate states of consciousness used for
magical purposes.
For example, while Thelema claims to be the revelations of Aiwass through
Crowley, Crowley could only relate the wisdom through his own understanding of
Egyptian and Christian symbolism.
As of late, my use of magick has been for the change of long standing habits and thought processes that hold me back from my true will: The gathering of knowledge through the allowance of grace, and conscientious transmission of that knowledge.
Many teachers I had while I was in the public education system put me down for voicing unpopular opinions, for questioning the validity of certain systems, and for starting debates with people who were my “superior.” I realized students were only encouraged to think critically within the framework of the curriculum; it was then that I learned to despise anything that I felt to be even remotely rigid/systemic: time, discipline, authority.
I formed the habit of always being in opposition, and though it was a priority for a certain period of my life, it is now hindering me. My subconscious mind must have realized this long ago because Saturn has been pushing her way into my life as if someone sent her a call of emergency. She’s making any behavior or tendency that does not align with my will almost unbearable, and making sure that I figure out healthy ways of self discipline, goal setting, and proper use of time. Saturn is teaching me that limitations, authority, boundaries, and time are not unnatural; in fact, learning to respect and introduce them into my lifestyle are a necessary part of my transformation. Saturn has sparked in me a call to action, in ways I believed would never work for me.
While I thought systems were the dark side of humanity, understanding their importance is exactly what I needed to see the light. Since my subconscious will and external life have begun to align, I have become more psychically capable; and I know it’s because through the breaking of habits (death) I have honed into a more distinguished power.
I was a hard-core Sesame Street viewer from about 1979 to 1984, and my memories of the show are the sort of deep nostalgic tangle you’d expect, with a great deal of idiosyncratic noise blended into the signal. So, for many years, I carried around a vague but emotionally vivid recollection of a Sesame Street episode in which Big Bird and Snuffleupagus had witnessed the the passage of a soul to the ancient Egyptian afterlife, complete with the weighing of the human heart against a feather. I shit you not.
For all those years, I just assumed that I was nuts, or that I was conflating a memory of a childhood dream with a childhood television experience. Not long ago, I was trading Sesame Street memories with that girl I like, and I determined to Google-fu my way to the truth.
In the 1983 special Don’t Eat the Pictures, assorted humans and Muppets are stuck overnight in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. While Oscar, Bob, Cookie Monster, Olivia, and some small children are having the sort of mild and educational adventures you’d expect, Big Bird and Snuffy meet Sahu, a 4,000-year-old Egyptian prince (!) condemned to wander eternally in spirit form (!!) unless he can answer a riddle posed by a demon (!!!) that appears to him each night at midnight. I am not fucking with you. This really happened.
There’s Sahu!
ACTUAL DIALOGUE from Big Bird: “Oh no! The demon’s gonna be here any second now!” And here’s the appearance of that demon, played by James motherfucking Mason.